12 Fashion Posters – Toronto, Canada. 2007 ©

I received a commission from a Toronto shoe retailer – which shall remain nameless, to create a series of “fashion” posters for their stores that were to be a bit off-beat and were to combine whimsy and tongue-in-cheek flavour only possible with use of digital photography and PhotoShop® “darkroom” tricks.

Well of course the whole thing went over like a lead balloon. Too much whimsy and too much off-beat…the committee decided. But hey, I had fun.
Sizes: 1 m X 2 m
Stacks Image 677
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African Mukluks
Blue Nikes
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Flying Nikes
Stacks Image 696
Stacks Image 699
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Maple Sugar Daddy
Simms Cowboy
Stacks Image 714
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Pencil Legs
Strokeback Hill
Stacks Image 723
Stacks Image 726
Westbeach Bum
Uncle Otis Yellowjacket